The following news items are reprinted from the Manistee Daily News for the week March 9-15, 1923 and are compiled by Teena Kracht from the newspaper archives of the Manistee County Historical Museum.
“That the Teachers’ club will sponsor another Lyceum course for Manistee, was assured by Miss Elsie Tainer, in charge of this season’s course, Friday.
“‘The teachers had a slight loss on the course they brought to the city this year, but have decided to “do something” next year, even if it is only to get one or two numbers here,’ Miss Tainer added.
“‘It is an expensive proposition to bring several artists to the city ... but we believe that with the more thorough co-operation of the townspeople we can do it successfully ... .’
“With both Holowinski and Zimmerman injured in the final half, Cadillac drew away from the Manistee high school court squad in their game there Thursday evening and finished in victorious fashion, 20-14 ... .
“Roads are fairly good from Grand Rapids to Ludington, and ‘passable’ from Ludington to Manistee, according to Tennys Gibson, who, with his brother Alfred, drove a new car up from Grand Rapids Thursday for the Thompson Auto company ... .
“Felix Tangerstrom, well known local milk dealer who Thursday paid a fine of $5 and costs ... on a charge of selling milk without a license, feels that he is a victim of circumstances that deserve an explanation.
“He exhibited today a milk dealers’ license, No. 25,136, issued under the date of May 27, 1922, which he states he supposed entitled him to operate ... until the same date this year. This license, he first learned Thursday, (was) good ... for only 33 days. Instead of being notified that his license was in arrears, he says, he was hauled before the court ... He says there could be no motive in failure to secure a license, as it costs only $1, and feels that he is aggrieved and has a kick coming.
“As Noah Heap puts it: Good enough is generally poor enough.
“March flirts with winter-tired mankind, and mankind flirts with 17 varieties of spring ailments.
“Another explanation may be that congresses are adjourned in March to give a regular wind a chance.
“Noah Little says: Some women’s idea of freedom is to be able to play bridge, dance and entertain at luncheon.
“We’re glad the suspense is over in the Duff family; and that it’s a girl. Lot of our readers who were deeply interested seemed to want a little sister for Danny. From now on we don’t expect to be bothered with so many inquiries for advance information as we have in recent weeks.
“The average man usually likes to attribute the success of others to sheer luck.
“Mrs. F. W. White, Mrs. L. W. Chamberlain and baby daughter, Patricia, arrived Friday noon from San Diego, Calif., after a seven weeks sojourn there (San Diego). Mrs. Chamberlain, who came from Yokohama, Japan, has resided there (Yokohama) for the past four years and her homecoming will be in the nature of a family reunion as Mrs. White’s younger daughter, Mrs. J. E. McCune was met in Chicago, and she accompanied her mother and sister for a short stay here. F. W. White met his family in Grand Rapids.
“The ladies of the Social Union of the First Congregational church gave their first social of the year on Friday evening ... with Mrs. L. G. Smith acting as chairman.
“ ... That Mrs. Smith was equal to grappling with every emergency was proved by the results and the officers of the society are highly gratified with the success of the evening.
“In spite of the inclement weather 200 people were served at one sitting with a bountiful and appetizing supper. The seating capacity of both parlors was taxed to the uttermost.
“By Wednesday noon the limit of tickets ... had been reached ... There followed a scrabble for reservations that dismayed the committee who were finally obligated to extend the original limit somewhat. Two members sold their own tickets at the last minute to accommodate house guests of one of the church members arriving on the last train ...
“ ... The next social will ... occur in June.
“Mrs. John Gunn, Second Street, entertained ... .
“Miss Borghild Olsen will entertain ... .
“Mrs. Howard L. Campbell was hostess ... .
“Mrs. Wayne M. Hansen is chairman of the thimble party ... .
“Mrs. Benjamin Klager will be hostess ... .
“Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Peterson, Sibben Street, will entertain ... .
“Mrs. Frank C. Adamski, Poplar Street, will entertain ... .
“That the Manistee Steel Products company will be dissolved as soon as possible, was the decision of the stockholders at their annual meeting Friday.
“The company has not operated actively for over two years ... The company’s factory, formerly the watch factory, will be sold as soon as possible.
“That citizens of Manistee, irrespective of class or creed, in some way appropriately observe the anniversary of the passion and death of Jesus Christ on Good Friday, is the request of the Manistee Board of Commerce working in cooperation with the Manistee Ministerial Association.
“(They) are working in formulating a program for a community service to be held on Good Friday afternoon in the Lyric theater. R. V. Kennedy, manager of the Lyric, has offered the free use of the theater from 12 to 3 o’clock ... for a Good Friday Community service.
“‘In many ... cities ... all stores, banks and other places of business ... shut down entirely from noon until 3 o’clock — the three hours during which darkness hung over Calvary. While there has been no such request made of businesses here in Manistee, it is hoped that the business men will allow their employees to attend some religious services during that time,’ said Rev. W. J. Atkinson, secretary of the Manistee Ministerial Association.
“Captain Brown of the Cunarder ‘Laconia,’ carrying a large list of American Express world tourists, among whom is Edward Buckley of Manistee, cables that his ship has reached Alexandria, after numerous calls at the main ports in India, and that the passengers have all departed for Cairo and the Nile. They will spend five days in the Land of the Pyramids, where the finest climate in the world is found.
“The ‘Laconia’ will sail for Naples next Wednesday, allowing three days to visit the many sites in and about this historic city which continually smiles beneath the everlasting frown of smoking Vesuvius.
“After a brief stay in Monaco and a call at Gibraltar, the ‘Laconia’ will sail for New York ... to arrive on March 30, thus completely circumnavigating the globe.
“For the second time in the last few weeks snow has blocked the Manistee & North-Eastern trains while there was comparatively little snow in Manistee ... .
“Ruggles & Rademaker will be allowed to discontinue payment of compensation to Michael Tyran ...
“The decision (of the state industrial commission) was based on the testimony of Dr. Harlan MacMullen on the basis that the bones in Tyran’ injured wrist were thoroughly knit and that it would only be a question of a short time before Tyran would be able to use his hand as well as formerly. The fact that Tyran had worked during the summer, although it was work in which his injured wrist was little used, was also brought to bear in the case.
“In a ragged contest, the Manistee high school team, showing clearly the effects of their struggle against Cadillac on Thursday evening, bowed to Traverse City high school court squad for the second time this season there Friday evening by a score of 20-11 ... .
“As Noah Heap puts it: Some men have got pep for everything but work.
“The fellow who gets something for nothing generally finds it worth about what it cost.
“Spring is alleged to be just around the corner. Probably getting her rain coat vulcanized.
“War is something that nations get into all at once, but get out of, generally, in installments.
“Noah Little says: Be thankful for the favors you do not receive. They leave you under no obligation.
“Charlie Chaplin’s declaration that he cannot afford to marry on $10,000 a week should make a lot of prospective June grooms thoughtful.
“C. E. Foy took Mrs. Foy to Ann Arbor Friday, where she will be treated at the University of Michigan hospital. Mr. Foy will remain a few days.
“Dr. J. L. Sweetnam left Saturday for Toledo, where he will take special instructions in a new method of anchoring in full lower plates. He will be gone 10 days.
“A Manistee father who has a son in college is sure he is going to make a success out in the world. He tells us his boy has gone clear through to his senior year without becoming engaged to a chorus girl, making the glee club or smashing an automobile.
“Few people are interested in how you got your money — if you have any. The question at issue is how they can get it from you.
“Do you remember back when — Stereopticon views, like the family album, were important entertainment features in practically all households?
MNA Mon. Mar 12 pg. 1 ( missing — T. K.)
“Breaking through ice from 10 to 18 inches thick, the Pere Marquette steamer Nevada forced a path through Manistee lake to her sister ship the P. M. steamer No. 8.
“The Nevada worked its way through the ice slowly but surely, backing a half-length to get a fresh start whenever checked temporarily in her battle to break up the ice. The task was well done by the time the Nevada finished, for the ice was broken right to the shore line at the rear of the No. 8 before she turned back on her course ... .
“The drill working the new Ruggles & Rademaker salt well recently struck two feet of low pressure natural gas, it was announced ... by John Rademaker.
“The pressure of the gas was so low that it was not considered worth any attention ... .
“Winter today showed (she could) take a joke, by dumping flakes of snow ...
“Beginning somewhere around midnight the heaviest snow, the heaviest, stickiest snow of the entire winter, set in ... (and) morning found Manistee and the surrounding countryside plastered with a smear of white undoing (in a few) hours all the good done by the sun during the last few days in removing the (previous) accumulation.
“People floundered to (get through) almost impassable sidewalks. Motorists stalled almost before they got started. No previous storm of the winter had made traffic so difficult.
“North exposures of buildings were stuccoed with white ... branches and wires sagged and snapped beneath the weight of the snow. The only amelioration of the bad condition is that the temperature remains mild ...
“At 8:30 this morning 10.5 inches of snow had fallen according to official figures ... And it was a quality of snow that packed tight as it fell, soggy and deceptive underneath, clinging tight to the snow shovels and exceedingly mean to dispose of or do business with in any way. Should it, or could it, go as quickly as it came Manistee would have the wettest feet it ever had.
“Country traffic, just opened after several weeks of closure, is again tied up ...
“Oakley Thompson of the Thompson Auto company had a crew of seven people, three of whom are women drivers, in Grand Rapids and had planned to drive seven Ford cars through from there today. The drive was abandoned.
“The Pere Marquette announces the trains are running on schedule ...
“Those intrepid residents who ventured forth in cars ... soon learned the futility of attempting to buck the elements and many maneuvered a return to their garages ...
“In the vicinity of Filer City communication by buses stopped early Monday morning and those ... who drove to their places of employment in Filer City were threatened with a complete tie-up preventing their return to Manistee.
“River Street had the appearance ... of a mid-winter scene in Nome, Alaska ... The street clock in front of Lynn Gardner’s jewelry store was so plastered with snow upon its dial that its movement had been stopped.
“Outside communication was reduced to a minimum ...
“The Consumers Power company lines were reported in good shape ... Cadillac and Manistee are the only two towns in this section of the state where service has been maintained to 100 per cent efficiency.
“Falling off in attendance in the city schools is another disturbance for which the storm deserves the blame ...
“But with all its damages and disagreeableness, the storm has one compensating value which is possibly best described by the second stanza of Lowell’s ‘First Snow Fall’ — ‘Every pine and fir and hemlock/ Wore ermine too dear for an earl,/ And the poorest twig of the elm tree/ Was ridged inch deep with pearl.’
“ ... Perhaps one of the best pictures of this kind was visible at the corner of Fourth and Oak streets, where white-crested branches made a beautiful picture against the background of bluish-gray clouds over the lake ... .
“Frederick H. Voights ... has begun publication in Manistee of a new magazine devoted to the Orpington (chicken) breed, styled ‘The Orpington.’
“ ... The initial number comprises 16 pages, handsomely typed and printed ... of especial interest to poultry raisers and fanciers.
“The new magazine claims the distinction of being the only publication in the world devoted exclusively to Orpingtons, characterized as the ‘supreme’ in the realm of poultry, the superior table fowl and having the highest official egg record.
“That spring will be here in just 10 days is a joyous thought, but March 15, when income tax returns have to be in, will come first.
“In a short time now the lazy householder who failed to take down the last of the screens will begin to congratulate himself on his forethought.
“Due to the severity of the weather, the annual meeting of the Lakeside club, scheduled for this afternoon ... has been postponed until next Monday afternoon ... .
“(By Harry R. Zander, Milwaukee Journal.) HOLLAND — Boathouses on hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of summer resort property on the western coast of Michigan may be used next summer for garages, as a result of the unprecedented drop in the level of Lake Michigan, a large part of which is chargeable to the enormous ‘water steal’ of the Chicago sanitary district through the drainage canal ...
“Such conditions exist the entire length of the western coast line of Michigan to an extent which has compelled lake steamers to abandon their stops at certain of the smaller ports because the depth of the water in the harbor channels will not float the vessels without danger of grounding ... .
“Snow, snow and more snow!
“All the snow in the world, apparently, has been deposited on Manistee and vicinity in the past 36 hours. There seems no end to it — miles of snow, mountains of snow — oceans of snow when it melts.
“After almost 24 hours of practically continuous snowfall, during which close to a foot and a half coating of the so-called beautiful was laid upon this section, the storm abated for a period during the night. “Hostilities of the elements were resumed Tuesday morning, however, in a light snowfall, probably by way of showing they had not forgotten how; certainly not because any more snow was needed.
“But for the P. M. railroad keeping its lines open ... Manistee would have been completely isolated Monday and Tuesday. Country roads are impassable, and telephone and telegraph service is entirely shut off ... The snow is general throughout the lakes region ... Manistee has not a monopoly of it, as was at first supposed by storm-beleaguered citizens ...
“How great the property damage is cannot now be even remotely estimated. Beside the losses to communication and transportation lines, fruit trees have suffered severe injury ... .
“The final report from the ... High school debating league has been received. It contains the list of 34 schools which will fight it out to decide state honors. It is the first time in several years that Manistee has not been among the schools in the elimination series ... Thus ends the shortest debating season in several years. Traverse City, Cadillac and Petoskey did not enter the state league this year, but organized a triangular league including themselves. Manistee may next year enter a similar arrangement.
“The Junior class is making preparations for a Junior Fair ... The funds raised at the fair will be used to give the Junior-Senior banquet in June.
“The Annual staff reports the sale to date of 400 copies of the High school organ ... a book of high merit is anticipated ... .
“Decision to have three pavement dances during the summer months was made by the resort committee of the Board of Commerce ...
“At first it was planned to have eight dances of this nature, but further consideration of the project brought forth the belief that the benefit derived did not warrant the expenditure of such a sum of money ... .
“Wanted at La Mode Millinery Saleslady of Refinement Capable of waiting on best trade. CLARA P. EARL.
“Wherever did Nature assemble so much snow?
“Where’s the guy that said winter was on its last legs?
“The man who is poor at inventing excuses should remain a bachelor.
“Noah Little says: Home is the place where folks stay now while the car is being fixed.
“A neighbor tells us his wife belongs to one study club, two gossip clubs and three eating organizations.
“Have you ever stopped to consider that there are only two classes of people who are hard to convince of anything — men and women?
“If you make $5,000 a year it’s bronchitis, if you make $3,000 a year it’s the flu, and if you only make $18 or $20 a week it’s a bad cold.
“Despite the fact that atmospheric conditions were anything but conducive to thoughts of resorting, Manistee’s campaign to capitalize her resort possibilities was splendidly furthered Tuesday evening when the Monthly Forum meeting sponsored by the Board of Commerce, was devoted almost exclusively to boosting the summer advantages of this community.
“Dr. J. L. Smith, Chicago, representing the American College of Surgeons, was at Mercy hospital Tuesday for his annual inspection.
“Tuesday evening the hospital served a 6:30 o’clock dinner for Dr. Smith and members of the medical staff of Manistee county, at which time Dr. Smith discussed the results of his inspection
“He declared the hospital to be in A-1 shape in every way, with the exception of doctors’ records, and these he urged to be more complete in regard to details. He stated that the Manistee hospital ranks high with institutions of similar size ... .
“LONDON, March 14. — ‘Square jaws like those of the American movie heroes,’ is what Professor Burton Scammell, of the Radio Institute, Dover, claims he can produce with radio-phosphorate of potash treatments.
“You just submit to a few applications of Professor Scammell’s potent mixture and your jaw bulges, your will power takes charge of your conduct and you develop the nerve to leave a barber untipped who has sold you a 25 cent haircut for half a dollar.
“Among other things, the radium treatments will so bolster up the constitution that 125 years of life will be the ordinary span, the professor says.
“Professor Scammell has tried his lotion on John R. Cook, 77 years old and former bank manager, and it worked, jaw and all.
“H. M. Vaughn, new agricultural agent for Manistee county, arrived in the city to begin his work Tuesday afternoon.
“ ... The board of directors of the Manistee Drop Forge company, operating in Filer City, have virtually decided to liquidate the assets of the concern. Papers were filed Wednesday morning with the county clerk to this effect ...
“Assets of the company ... total $11,020.74 ... The liabilities of the corporation total $20,543.09 in accounts payable plus $131,800 in outstanding bonds, the majority of which are held by Manistee and Filer City persons and concerns ... .
“Lenten Ban Off Saturday Night.
“Of local interest on St. Patrick’s day will be the supper which will be given by the Knights of Columbus and Catholic Daughters at the K. C. hall on Saturday ... Preparations have been made to accommodate 600 people.
“The Masonic Dance club is giving a dancing party at the Temple on the same evening, from 9 to 12 o’clock with music furnished by ‘Spin’ Johnson’s orchestra ...
“One of the most brilliant of the post-Lenten social affairs will be the military ball sponsored by the 119th Sanitary company, Michigan National Guard. It will take place during April, the exact date not being definitely decided upon. ‘Spin’ Johnson’s orchestra has been engaged.
“Trains on the Manistee and North-Eastern railroad made their rounds on Tuesday as usual, but they were all late, some of them considerably so ... Long distance telephone service to Manistee is still out of repair, but telegraph messages are going over the wires to outside points again ... .
“‘So near and yet so far,’ commented Louis Heckelrath of Onekama township, member of the county board of election canvassers upon his arrival in Manistee Tuesday evening.
“ ... It took Louie all of a long day to cover all of the dozen or so long miles, wading, floundering and wallowing through the deep snow from his farm home to Norwalk, where he waited, and WAITED AND waited for the M. & N. E. train.
“‘Spent about a dozen years of my young life in Norwalk Tuesday afternoon,’ declared Louie. ‘Never saw so much snow, and I’ve lived around here quite a spell at that. Oh, well, if we get it now perhaps we won’t get it in April.’
“Weather like this is what puts the ‘mar’ in March.
“As far as Manistee is concerned, Spring can go into training here and now.
“March 31 will tell us how March goes out and March 15 designates the income.
“These are the days when the backyard ash pile looms up like a wart on a baldheaded man’s bean.
“Yoo-hoo, Skinnay. C’mon over!
“Thus is the spirit of Manistee during Homecoming Week, July 2-7, to be typified.
“To make Homecoming week a successful institution, it is the unanimous belief of merchants and professional men up and down the ‘street’ that cooperation to the highest degree must be secured to ‘put across’ the occasion.
“And to that end, the labors of this group have already started.
“An invitation, attractive and with a direct appeal, has been prepared. Five thousand have been printed and these will be placed in drug stores of the city ... where residents of the city may procure them to mail to friends, members of their families, in fact any prospective visitor to Manistee during Homecoming Week here ...
“The coming week will be known as Homecoming Invitation Week. Pastors of the churches will be asked to announce to their congregations Sunday the purposes of Homecoming Week and urge a wholesale distribution of invitations throughout the entire nation ... .
“Today Carl H. Knopf ends his work of four years as agricultural agent for Manistee county.
“The work of Mr. Knopf that will remain long after he has gone is his organization work among the farmers of this county. This work extends from the boys’ and girls’ clubs to the County Farm Bureau. His efforts of this nature are practically the first to be undertaken among the farmers of this county ... (the) results have shown and will continue to show in the future.
“While the activities of Mr. Knopf have aroused some opposition, even those who oppose him admit that Manistee will be fortunate indeed if it is able to obtain another agricultural agent as industrious as he has been ... .
“Receipt of a wire by Chief of Police Thomas Grady ... clears up the recent mystery surrounding the alleged theft of a Buick car which passed afterwards through the hands of several local persons and consequently landed in the possession of Peter T. Glassmire, local attorney.
“The (Citizens Mutual Automobile Insurance company of Howell, Mich.) explains that an error was made in factory numbering resulting in the mix-up and that Glassmire has a clear title to his machine.
“In a highly instructive talk, covering various angles of the real estate game from the technical side to a dissertation on the ‘prospects of Manistee,’ Stacy C. Thompson devoted an entertaining hour before the Employes’ Club of the Consumers Power company ... .
“There ought to be a law against March weather.
“Just about the time things begin to become monotonous somebody puts a new breakfast food on the market.
“The fashion dictators are trying to get the men to wear suspenders instead of belts. But how then could we tell when we’ve eaten too much?
“There’s always something happening. Today is income tax day, Saturday is St. Patrick’s day, and next Wednesday spring will come traipsing in. We hope we’ll be able to recognize her.
“Adv. in your family newspaper yesterday — yes, The News-Advocate — says ‘When once you wear ... ... ... ... . hose you will wear nothing else.’ Line of watchers after the sale will please form to the right and don’t crowd.
“A foreign writer who has been in this country a few months says that while he has found many small differences among the peoples of the various sections, they are the same in their window shades.
“‘During the day,’ he says, ‘everybody leaves the shade half-way up the window. In Europe we raise the shade to the top of the window to admit as much daylight as possible.
“‘I have stopped at boarding houses, believing I can see Americans at closer range than if I stay in hotels. When I raise the shades the landlady objects, saying people might mistake her establishment for a “cheap boarding house.” Some of them have become indignant.
“‘From Maine to Colorado I have been struck by the half-drawn shade. Why is it?’
“We must admit that we never noticed the half-drawn shade, probably because we have never lived in Europe. Have you noticed it? And do you know the why of it?
“(Article) Provoked by Thursday’s editorial, ‘A Decalog for Wives,’ (Reprinted in last week’s column — T. K.) a woman contributor comes to bat with the following verse, laying down Ten Commandments For Married Men.
“These are the new commandments ten,
Which wives now make for married men:
1. Remember that I am thy wife,/ Whom thou shalt cherish all thy life.
2. Thou shalt not stay out late at night/ When lodges, friends and clubs invite.
3. Thou shalt not smoke indoors nor out,/ Nor chew tobacco round about.
4. Thou shalt with praise receive my pies,/ No pastry made by me despise.
5. My mother thou shalt strive to please,/ And let her live with us at ease.
6. Remember ‘tis thy duty clear,/ to dress me well throughout the year.
7. Thou shalt in manner mild and meek,/ Give me my (thy?) wages every week.
8. Thou shalt not be a drinking man,/ But live on prohibition plan.
9. Thou shalt not flirt, but must allow/ Thy wife such freedom anyhow.
10. Thou shalt get up when baby cries,/ And try the child to tranquilize.
These my commandments from day to day/ Thou shalt implicitly obey.
“They just will have the last word.